ABOUT /PRODOS.9 This disk of ProDOS programs and instruction files was assembled for the purpose of making it easier for you to move about in ProDOS and handle your files in an efficient manner. To begin, the STARTUP program is a well-written Applesoft program which allows you to view the directories and subdirectories of the volumes (ie. disks and /RAM disk) available. You may want to use this STARTUP program on a number of your ProDOS disks. The program FILE.STAMP enables an Apple user who does not have a clock card (ie. Apple //c owners and many // Plus or //e owners) to put a date/time stamp on their files. This program is designed to run a STARTUP program once it is finished; therefore, you may want to change the appropriate line of this program if you want to use it in a different manner. In the MISC subdirectory are several programs, including two other ProDOS menu-type 'startup' programs, a sound generation program, and a program designed to output 8 bits in Applesoft. BYTE.ZAP will allow you to search the surface of a disk and modify the bytes stored there. The lengthy file entitled 'EXEC.FILE.INFO' is a document which will tell you some of the uses and techniques for EXEC files, both in DOS 3.3 and ProDOS. The COPY.FILE subdirectory contains a couple of programs which assist you in the copying of files from one disk to another. One of them uses the added ProDOS command 'COPY'. Once 'COPY' is installed, you will find it to be a useful addition to the ProDOS command library. Instructions for the use of these programs is included in the file. The subdirectory EDITOR contains a ProDOS line editor which is designed to simplify Applesoft programming under ProDOS. DISK.ED contains a program which will enable you to search, modify (and destroy!) the contents of your ProDOS disks. Read the enclosed instructions. LEE is a series of routines from a LOGIC member which also provide a means of time/date stamping your files. Happy programming!